воскресенье, 24 мая 2020 г.

Conceptualize, Compose And Produce Music And Sound For Your Project


My approach is always to first completely conceptualize a project before starting to realize it. For this we will have to communicate a lot to find out which specific needs the production has to fullfill.

Which role plays music and sound in your project? Who will listen to this in which context? Which emotions need to be accentuated? What needs to be narrated?

After we figured out these conceptual aspects of music and sound within your production i will work out a detailed concept proposal containing concrete ideas on how to deal with style, timbre, melodics, harmonics, arrangement, instrumentation, production methods and the like.

Only once we have agreed to pursue a certain approach i will start to produce a first version. As soon as it has become something imaginable i will present it to you to figure out if we are on the right way.

All in all prefer an open and transparent process to make communication precise and constructive and to fit your needs as best as possible.


: : : : :

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