пятница, 5 июня 2020 г.

Provide Music Production Lessons In Ableton Live


Are you looking to expand you knowledge in Ableton Live?

Do you need help with music production/producing an electronic track? 

I am offering private 1-1 lessons in Ableton Live to help guide you in electronic dance music spectrum. 

I have years of experience as a graduate in this field of study.

I am fairly confident I can get someone who doesn't have any knowledge in music production, to a fair standard.

A standard where they can go off and use the tools I have given them to create there own electronic music within Ableton Live. '

Drop me a message for any more information. :)  


Seller's Response:

really good guy really good way of teaching helps me a lot


Thanks very much man still owe you another lesson send me project over I will help you with it Tuesday :)


really great

: :

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