среда, 1 июля 2020 г.

Compose Music For Your Film


Finished your film but don't yet have a score?

I've composed music for several years and recently completed many short and feature films. Just select the appropriate package and I'll be happy to help.


I provide an atmosphere to reflect and intensify your work. Best for documentaries, interviews, corporate, instructional or commercial videos for added finesse.

Most recent gig: Company video for Atkinson Construction.


In addition to the Atmospheric package, I include the usage of popular music genres to support and enhance your work. Ideal for most TV, Netflix, or Amazon series'.

Most recent gig: Comedy Short- The Last Tamale.


Everything previous, but including any genre. Horror, World, Action, Vocal, you name it, I'll do whatever's necessary to make your score be a show stopper. Perfect for films.

Most recent gig: Action Short- Released

Please adjust the timings to fit your film length before submitting your order. The delivery is set to 29 days in case I need to process a large film, but usually I'll complete your order within a reasonably short time.

Please be aware I do not accept films containing sexually explicit material.



Great music


Great thank you


this works really well in the film. What is your actual name for the credits though?


Great work as always!


Excellent work, best composer I've worked with on the site, and I've worked with many!

Compose Music For Your Film

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