понедельник, 27 апреля 2020 г.

Teach You 1 On 1 How To Make Electronic Music


Hello! My name is Karlo and I have been working in the technical side of music for 5 years now and I am here to offer you my services, I have mixed, mastered and produced many record label and radio ready tracks and now is the chance to use my expertise in your production

Make sure to message me to get the highest quality audio examples of my work!

My gig about music production starts at just 30 euros and that includes 3 hours of video chat about anything regarding Electronic Music Production

- Ask me anything

You can ask me any question related to music production, I will be glad to answer any of them

- Projects insight

Take a look into my projects and how I make sounds, how I shape them and how to get that professional sound

- Honest feedback

I will ensure to give you a honest feedback to every project of yours and give you tips to reach the next level

- Problem solving

After insights in your track and feedback I will make sure to help you with any problem you have regarding your projects

- Years of experience

Many signed tracks, and label deals will prove you helpful for your tracks, let me help you reach the next level!


: : : : :

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