четверг, 30 апреля 2020 г.

Make You A Punchy Classic Hiphop Beat Or Produce Smth Fresh


I am a professional musician/composer/producer. I play 5 to 15 live gigs WEEKLY therefore i know what pushes the audience into the frenzy today (in a good sense of course :). 


I don't use the SoundCloud really often but you may find several examples of my production there: https://soundcloud.com/user-320553332

I compose for:

Pop and hiphop artists, commercials, promos, web content, videogames.  

I will produce and master your track at studio quality, you'll receive a product that's ready for use in any professional venue. Just let me know what kind of vibe you are looking for!


1. You contact me. 

2. We have a quick conversation with you, which includes listening to your demo recording/live singing/verbal description of your desired product. 

3. Then i stick to studio for a corresponding term.

4. Here's your Track of Dream. Or a Track of Desire. Or at least a Track That Suites You Quite Good ;)



Great to work with as always!


brilliant producer and great guy to work with.


Would recommend


Amazing individual highly talented, superb product every time. Thank you very much for all your wonderful work!


A pure expert here, very professional from beginning to end. Simply a pleasure to do business with. Thank you!

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