пятница, 18 сентября 2020 г.

Produce Relaxing Meditation Music With Calming Atmosphere And Soft Instruments


If you want to meditate, sleep or just relax to a personalized music piece, I can create one especially for you, using a wide range of soothing instruments and sounds.

One gig per 15 seconds of original relaxing music, here's one example

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3nnKY1ZAVo

BEFORE ORDERING: please contact me in advance, I may be overbooked with other pending orders or away from the workplace for a few days. Send in all the details and a few examples of what you had in mind so we can both be on the same page and I can offer a successful delivery. If you have any questions I will try to answer them all with clarifying answers.    



Top Quality Work


Amazing Work!


Amazing work once again!


Perfect Work


Amazing work!

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